Sometime in middle of February, 1985, I found myself on a very cold winter day outside the gates of Auschwitz alone as part of the last leg of my European travels post college. I had my very worn orange “Let’s Go” guide, which would be stolen from me while sleeping in a train station the next day in Krakow, but I made it to the second concentration camp of this trip. The first was at Dachau in Germany about 5 months before, which was crowded with people, cleaned up and almost seemed like a Disney version of what I was stepping into. It might have also been the circumstance: I was alone, it was cold, dreary, and starting to snow and I was stepping through the classic gates where the sign “Arbeit Macht Frei” had been.
So it's complicated. Israel is being led by a criminal PM and two far right, settler encouraging henchmen for Netanyahu. They don't really want peace either. The IDF should have had a coalition of European forces (Poles, Germans, French etc) to verify Israel's claims of Hamas hiding in hospitals and schools. It's clear the world hates Israel and their word alone would not be believed. Instead we have helpless, hapless Gazans being slaughtered and IDF attacking World Kitchen and journalists. Netanyahu will not stop unless U.S. cuts off aid which is unfortunate. There are no winners here
Michael, that was a very good read. I agree about the difference between genocide and anti-whatever. I think that a lot of people misuse the word genocide. Hope to see you soon.
Well written, Michael. Alas, let’s not forget that Hamas’ charter calls for the annihilation of Israel and the killing of Jews worldwide. This is truly a genocidal goal—one which is seemingly ignored by so many clueless college students and much of the media alike.
The idle mind is the devil's playground. Manipulation and distortion of facts is a predatory creature. Thanks (unfortunately) for writing this Michael, the world has become a less than beautiful place...
So it's complicated. Israel is being led by a criminal PM and two far right, settler encouraging henchmen for Netanyahu. They don't really want peace either. The IDF should have had a coalition of European forces (Poles, Germans, French etc) to verify Israel's claims of Hamas hiding in hospitals and schools. It's clear the world hates Israel and their word alone would not be believed. Instead we have helpless, hapless Gazans being slaughtered and IDF attacking World Kitchen and journalists. Netanyahu will not stop unless U.S. cuts off aid which is unfortunate. There are no winners here
Michael, that was a very good read. I agree about the difference between genocide and anti-whatever. I think that a lot of people misuse the word genocide. Hope to see you soon.
Well written, Michael. Alas, let’s not forget that Hamas’ charter calls for the annihilation of Israel and the killing of Jews worldwide. This is truly a genocidal goal—one which is seemingly ignored by so many clueless college students and much of the media alike.
The idle mind is the devil's playground. Manipulation and distortion of facts is a predatory creature. Thanks (unfortunately) for writing this Michael, the world has become a less than beautiful place...
Well said amigo. It’s an incredible exhibit, and agreed there shouldn’t be a “side” to such a terrorist atrocity.