Michael, Your commentary speaks to my heart as a Macedonian-Bulgarian son of immigrants who recall the actions of King Boris III in Sofia to save the lives of 50,000 of our Jewish brothers and sisters who were legal residents of Bulgaria. King Boris lost his own life over the decision to "lock arms with our Jewish brothers and sisters, and that no Jewish person shall board the deportation trains." Hitler murdered King Boris for opposing him. As a fellow musician, entertainment professional and human being, I stand for Israel and against the appalling rise in antisemitism in the United States. Your good heart, indeed, welcoming goodwill to feed others in the celebration of life has not escaped me.

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Bravo, Mr. Dorf, Bravo...

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No easy answers in the Israel/Palestinian/Hamas conflict. Appreciate your effort to support those in need is Israel. Praying for “the peace of Jerusalem.” 🙏💔🇮🇱

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